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At the foot of the mountain that makes up the Cloudhoppers' territory there is a small valley. It is nestled in a dip before the mountain begins and leads into cliffs lining the border with the Colorcoats. It used to belong to the Colorcoats long ago, but the Cloudhoppers claimed it because they needed it: it is the pack's main source of food. It is the only place in the territory where sufficient prey can be found to sustain the pack. It is a field of wildflowers and tall grass that hides many scurrying creatures, which in turn attract birds of prey that the pack is particularly adept at catching. A portion of the pack lives here, mostly made up of the low class or uneducated, and they make their homes in the trees. The low-ceilinged treehouses are built several meters off the ground and can be reached only by flying. These pack members form hunting parties that take turns collecting food and bringing it up the mountain, a trip that takes at least a day, in good weather. Sentries are posted at all times at strategic points around the meadow to make sure none of the other packs try to steal any food. The valley may be small, but it harbors much that the pack needs in order to survive.
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